Critical Essays in Appalachian Life and Culture

Edited by Rick Simon

Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Appalachian Studies Conference

Critical Essays in Appalachian Life and Culture

138 pp., 6 x 9, 11 tables, notes

  • Paperback ISBN: 978-1-4696-3681-8
    Published: January 1982

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Distributed for Appalachian State University

The proceedings from the 1982 Appalachian Studies Conference includes contributions by Rick Simon; Ronald D. Eller; Deborah Morentz Markley and Brady J. Deaton; William W. Philliber and Phillip J. Obermiller; Virginia McCoy Watkins and Diana Gullet Trevino; Grace Toney Edwards; Harold Branam; Parks Lanier; Joan Moser; Melinda Bollar Wagner; and Thomas Plaut.