The Politics of Farce in Contemporary Spanish American Theatre

By Priscilla Meléndez

The Politics of Farce in Contemporary Spanish American Theatre

228 pp., 6 x 9, notes

  • Paperback ISBN: 978-0-8078-9286-2
    Published: January 2006

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Distributed for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Romance Studies

The first book-length study of the role of farce in Spanish American theatre explores the intersection of politics and drama. Spanish American playwrights have realized that farce's "lack of power" and marginality can become a resourceful way to confront aggression and censorship, while rejecting the possibility of eventually becoming part of the oppressive center. This book underscores the tendency of Spanish American farce for self-parody, its capacity to uncover and also carry out a profound critique of their nations' artistic, social, and political rituals. To use and transgress farce simultaneously, as a considerable number of Spanish American playwrights do, is to recognize the reality, the power, and the limits of laughter.

About the Author

Priscilla Meléndez teaches Spanish American literature at Pennsylvania State University. She is author of La dramaturgia hispanoamericana contemporánea: Teatralidad y autoconciencia.
For more information about Priscilla Meléndez, visit the Author Page.