Award Winners

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Bancroft Prize, Columbia University

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Race for Profit: How Banks and the Real Estate Industry Undermined Black Homeownership
by Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

  • Finalist, 2020 Pulitzer Prize in History
  • 2019 National Book Award Finalist
  • 2020 Ellis W. Hawley Prize, Organization of American Historians
  • 2020 Liberty Legacy Foundation Award, Organization of American Historians
  • 2020 Pauli Murray Book Prize, African American Intellectual History Society

Embattled Freedom: Journeys through the Civil War’s Slave Refugee Camps
by Amy Murrell Taylor

  • 2019 Frederick Douglass Book Prize, Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition
  • 2019 John Nau Book Prize in American Civil War Era History, John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia
  • 2019 Tom Watson Brown Book Award, Society of Civil War Historians
  • 2019 Avery O. Craven Award, Organization of American Historians
  • 2019 Merle Curti Social History Award, Organization of American Historians

2018 North American Society for Sport History Book Award

Game of Privilege: An African American History of Golf by Lane Demas

2018 Non-fiction Book Award, New England Society in the City of New York

Darkness Falls on the Land of Light: Experiencing Religious Awakenings in Eighteenth-Century New England by Douglas L. Winiarski

2018 John G. Cawelti Award for the Best Textbook/Primer in Popular Culture and American Culture, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association

Beyond the Crossroads: The Devil and the Blues Tradition by Adam Gussow

2017 C. Hugh Holman Award, Society for the Study of Southern Literature

Calypso Magnolia: The Crosscurrents of Caribbean and Southern Literature by John Wharton Lowe

Finalist, 2018 Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize

The Stormy Present: Conservatism and the Problem of Slavery in Northern Politics, 1846-1865 by Adam I.P. Smith

Nominee, 49th NAACP Image Awards, Outstanding Literary Work (Nonfiction)

for The President’s Kitchen Cabinet: The Story of the African Americans Who Have Fed Our First Families, from the Washingtons to the Obamas by Adrian Miller

Margaret W. Rossiter History of Women in Science Prize, History of Science Society

for Searching for Scientific Womanpower: Technocratic Feminism and the Politics of National Security, 1940-1980 by Laura Micheletti Puaca

2017 Jane Jacobs Award, Urban Communication Foundation

for Live and Let Live: Diversity, Conflict, and Community in an Integrated Neighborhood by Evelyn M. Perry

2017 Ragan Old North State Award for Nonfiction, North Carolina Literary and Historical Association

for Gertrude Weil: Jewish Progressive in the New South by Leonard Rogoff

2017 Willie Lee Rose Prize, Southern Association of Women Historians

for You Can’t Eat Freedom: Southerners and Social Justice after the Civil Rights Movement by Greta de Jong

2017 Julia Cherry Spruill Prize, Southern Association of Women Historians

for No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity by Sara Haley

2017 Willie Lee Rose Prize, Southern Association of Women Historians

for No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity by Sara Haley

2017 Lora Romero First Book Prize, American Studies Association

for No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity by Sara Haley

2017 Sally and Ken Owens Award, Western History Association

for Kika Kila: How the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Changed the Sound of Modern Music by John W. Troutman

2017 Music in American Culture Award, American Musicological Society

for Kika Kila: How the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Changed the Sound of Modern Music by John W. Troutman

Michael V.R. Thomason Award, Gulf South Historical Association

for A Luminous Brotherhood: Afro-Creole Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans by Emily Suzanne Clark

2017 Arnold Rubin Outstanding Publication Award, Arts Council of the African Studies Association

for The Art of Conversion: Christian Visual Culture in the Kingdom of Congo by Cécile Fromont

2017 Francis B. Simkins Award, Southern Historical Association

for A Luminous Brotherhood: Afro-Creole Spiritualism in Nineteenth-Century New Orleans by Emily Suzanne Clark

2017 Frank L. and Harriet C. Owsley Award, Southern Historical Association

for You Can’t Eat Freedom: Southerners and Social Justice after the Civil Rights Movement by Greta de Jong

2017 Smithsonian Secretary’s Research Prize, Smithsonian Institution

for The Virgin Vote: How Young Americans Made Democracy Social, Politics Personal, and Voting Popular in the Nineteenth Century by Jon Grinspan

2017 Smithsonian Secretary’s Research Prize, Smithsonian Institution

for Defiant Braceros: How Migrant Workers Fought for Racial, Sexual, and Political Freedom by Mireya Loza

2017 Best History, Best Research in Recorded Popular Music, Association for Recorded Sound Collections

for Kika Kila: How the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Changed the Sound of Modern Music by John W. Troutman

2017 Bobbie and John Nau Book Prize in American Civil War Era History, John L. Nau III Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia

for Lincoln and the Politics of Slavery: The other Thirteenth Amendment and the Struggle to Save the Union by Daniel W. Crofts

2017 Bentley Book Prize, World History Association

for Selling Empire: India in the Making of Britain and America, 1600-1830 by Jonathan Eacott

First Place and Best in Show, 2017 Writing and Photography Contest, Eastern Chapter, Society of American Travel Writers

for Grandfather Mountain: The History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon by Randy Johnson

2016 Foreword INDIES Bronze Travel Book of the Year

for Grandfather Mountain: The History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon by Randy Johnson

2017 Theodore Saloutos Award, Agricultural History Society

for You Can’t Eat Freedom: Southerners and Social Justice after the Civil Rights Movement by Greta de Jong

Best Book Award, Mormon History Association

for American Universities and the Birth of Modern Mormonism, 1867-1940 by Thomas W. Simpson

Finalist, 2017 ARSC Awards for Excellence, Association for Recorded Sound Collections

for Kika Kila: How the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Changed the Sound of Modern Music by John W. Troutman

2017 Wallace K. Ferguson Prize, Canadian Historical Association

for Reproduction and Its Discontents in Mexico: Childbirth and Contraception from 1750 to 1905 by Nora E. Jaffary

2017 American College of Nurse-Midwives Media Award

for Lovie: The Story of a Southern Midwife and an Unlikely Friendship by Lisa Yarger

2016 John Lyman Book Award, North American Society for Oceanic History

for Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers: How a Nineteenth-Century Man of Business, Science, and the Sea Changed American Life by Tamara Plakins Thornton

James A. Rawley Prize, Organization of American Historians

for The Common Cause: Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution by Robert G. Parkinson

Frederick Jackson Turner Award, Organization of American Historians

for Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era, by Max Krochmal

Lawrence W. Levine Award, Organization of American Historians

for Kika Kila: How the Hawaiian Steel Guitar Changed the Sound of Modern Music by John W. Troutman

William H. Welch Medal, American Association for the History of Medicine

for Abortion after Roe by Johanna Schoen

Silver Medalist, General Nonfiction, Florida Book Awards

for Beyond Integration: The Black Freedom Struggle in Escambia County, Florida, 1960-1980 by J. Michael Butler

Brazil Section Award, Latin American Studies Association Brazil Section

for Securing Sex: Morality and Repression in the Making of Cold War Brazil by Benjamin A. Cowan

Honorable Mention, Brazil Section Award, Latin American Studies Association Brazil Section

for Contracultura: Alternative Arts and Social Transformation in Authoritarian Brazil by Christopher Dunn

Ibero-American Prize for an Academic Book on the Nineteenth Century, Nineteenth Century Section of the Latin American Studies Association

for Mapping the Country of Regions: The Chorographic Commission of Nineteenth-Century Colombia by Nancy P. Appelbaum

Clarendon Award, Lower Cape Fear Historical Society

for The Wilmington Ten: Violence, Injustice, and the Rise of Black Politics in the 1970s by Kenneth Robert Janken

Theodore Saloutos Book Award, Immigration and Ethnic History Society

for Defiant Braceros: How Migrant Workers Fought for Racial, Sexual, and Political Freedom by Mireya Loza

New Scholar’s Book Award, Division F, American Educational Research Association

for A Chance for Change: Head Start and Mississippi’s Black Freedom Struggle by Crystal R. Sanders

AEJMC History Division Book Award, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication

for The Common Cause: Creating Race and Nation in the American Revolution by Robert G. Parkinson

Finalist, Wallace K. Ferguson Prize, Canadian Historical Association

for Reproduction and Its Discontents in Mexico: Childbirth and Contraception from 1750 to 1905 by Nora E. Jaffary

Finalist, Foreword INDIES, Travel Writing

for Grandfather Mountain: The History and Guide to an Appalachian Icon by Randy Johnson

Weatherford Award, Berea College and Appalachian Studies Association

for Reconstruction’s Ragged Edge: The Politics of Postwar Life in the Southern Mountains by Steven E. Nash

Finalist, Weatherford Award, Berea College and Appalachian Studies Association

for Family of Earth: A Southern Mountain Childhood by Wilma Dykeman

Finalist, Lambda Literary Award, Lambda Literary

for Not Straight, Not White: Black Gay Men from the March on Washington to the AIDS Crisis by Kevin Mumford

Finalist, Randy Shilts Award, Publishing Triangle

for Not Straight, Not White: Black Gay Men from the March on Washington to the AIDS Crisis by Kevin Mumford

Finalist, New England Society Book Awards, New England Society in the City of New York

for Nathaniel Bowditch and the Power of Numbers: How a Nineteenth-Century Man of Business, Science, and the Sea Changed American Life by Tamara Plakins Thornton

Ramirez Family Award, Texas Institute of Letters

for Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era, by Max Krochmal

Pneuma Book of the Year, Society for Pentecostal Studies

for Migrating Faith: Pentecostalism in the United States and Mexico in the Twentieth Century by Daniel Ramírez

Finalist, Gilder Lehrman Lincoln Prize, Gettysburg College and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

for A More Civil War: How the Union Waged a Just War by D. H. Dilbeck

Coral Horton Tullis Memorial Prize, Texas State Historical Association

for Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era, by Max Krochmal

National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies Tejas Foco Non-Fiction Book Award

for Blue Texas: The Making of a Multiracial Democratic Coalition in the Civil Rights Era, by Max Krochmal

Richard Barksdale Harwell Award, Civil War Round Table of Atlanta

for Braxton Bragg: The Most Hated Man of the Confederacy, by Earl J. Hess

Charles Rufus Morey Book Award, College Art Association

for The Transnational Mosque: Architecture and Historical Memory in the Contemporary Middle East, by Kishwar Rizvi